Community Health Worker
The SCFHT’s Community Health Worker Program assists patients and caregivers in navigating our local healthcare system.
What can we help with?
- Connecting patients with local supports and resources
- Helping patients to reduce barriers preventing them from accessing healthcare
- Encouraging patient empowerment
Services and Supports:
- Assistance with Health Forms/Health Funding Applications: e.g.) ODSP applications, Disability Tax Credit, obtaining OHIP cards etc.
- Health System Navigation: Support completing referrals & intake forms, providing information for local services & community resources
- Health Service Coordination: e.g.) Support when communicating with multiple service providers
Who is it for?
- For patients with or without a primary care provider
- Patients may self-refer, or be referred
You can book an appointment online. For more information about our Community Health Worker Program please call the Sunset Country Family Health Team at (807) 468-6321 ext. 1.